Sunday, October 17, 2010

Day Trip to the Ashery

We (meaning me, my two sisters, my cousin Sandi, my Aunt Shirley and my Dad) went south to do some shopping. It was a perfect fall day, lots of sunshine and beautiful scenery. We drove through the back roads, along roads that had no power lines admiring immaculate Amish farms and shops.

We had one particular favorite place in mind for our shopping, the Ashery! It's one of the biggest bulk food stores around. we found lots of great things to buy. (During spellchecking I noticed that my dad is in the picture going into the store.)

I am very happy here cause I'm getting all my good stuff and more importantly, getting away from the crowd. The place was packed!

Can't help but take pictures of the buggy.

A beautiful dairy that we passed.

So impressive. We used to have a really big horse but it was nothing like these giants.

I think this is a schoolhouse. We went by kinda fast.

Some of my treasures. My dad mentioned that his mother (an amazing baker) always put currants in her nut bread so I bought a bag and I will use her recipe and make him some nut bread for Christmas. Her cookbook is the only thing that my dad wanted from her house when she died. He laminated all the pages.

We also stopped at a really great apple orchard who's name I don't remember. I bought a few of these amazing Jonagold apples, simply the best eating apple around!

I also bought a bushel of Granny Smith seconds for only $8.00! So I made this pie and I'm so tired today that I forgot it was in the oven but it was still delicious!

Here's my bushel and like I said I'm so tired I can't muster it up to can them. I did put one batch of pie filling in the freezer.

Kevin found these in the garden yesterday so I also need to blanch these and freeze them, tomorrow I guess.

I even burned the potatoes for dinner, forgot about them too.

I always drink unsweetened ice tea but I even drank a glass of coke for some energy but no luck.

They were good anyway.

Have to add a puppy picture. Look how big. Momma doesn't even have to lay down for them to nurse anymore. Only two weeks, three days old and they are so big.

Til next time,



  1. My first visit to your blog and I enjoyed my stay.

    You had a very busy day...and that pie looks mighty fine to me LOL!

  2. I love visiting the Amish communities. I could spend days there just watching them.
    Your puppies ARE getting big!
