Sunday, April 4, 2010

Spring and Hard Work

The first weekend in April and really nice weather means that it's time for some yard work. We're sore and tired this morning (Sunday)... maybe we'll watch TV all day...yeah right.

Moving some big stones from all the different spots around the farm, sure glad we have the 8N!

Plus these awesome forks that Kevin made.

The son waiting for the stone, notice he has his good school shoes on.

Oh, and here's his shirt, most likely still outside on the ground.

Moving the rocks into place made for some squashed fingers and hopping around.

Dad helps and together they moved them into place.

We are going to add a couple of more courses, leaving dirt pockets and spaces for planting, some trailing plants and strawberries and who knows what else will be added.

Took all day.

Our peach tree is getting big, hope we have peaches this year. (Some of the pictures are out of order but it takes too long to move them around so sorry.)

I spent the morning digging and moving day lilies. They get so big that I can't see the rock.

Here's my Americana hens, the dark one in the back is the one that I raised last year, she's beautiful!

They all came running, expecting a treat. I'm very happy that the yard is drying up. This was a mud pit a week ago.

Evil tom turkey! Does anyone want him? I'm serious, he is going soon, if not to someone who wants him then he is going in the freezer.

This hen turkey decided to lay eggs in a tub. You just never know.

The other side of the rock. When I moved the day lilies back I spread out my iris and moved a couple new ones in.

Kevin's dad (Hi Mike!) gave us some really pretty yellow ones last year that I planted by the pond but the uncontrollable weeds took over and so I moved some of them here. If I can get motivated today I'll move a few more.

Sweet Puppy! I took her to be bred a couple of weeks age but I don't think it worked... time will tell.

My followers everywhere.

I got a picture of the last crocus, on it's last leg but still pretty.

I put this forsythia in last year hoping for some yellow this spring.

I got some yellow but I have to look really close to see it.

I found this cute little daffodil all by itself, can't wait til it opens.

I bought some more fruit trees, blueberries and raspberries, now to find the energy to plant. Not feeling it today.
These are ever bearing strawberries. We'll put them along the new wall and maybe some.... uh, actually I have no idea where I'll put them.

A honeybee already found them. He's probably so happy to find an open flower.

My raspberries, yummy.

Here's the whole group. Notice that they are all up on a table? You may remember that I have a pair of geese that would love to nibble all the bark off of these trees.

Uh oh, look who found me, it Two Toes, my Rhode Island Red hen that loves for me to pick her up and scratch her.

She's happy now. That's actually a flower bed behind us that the chickens have decimated... need to get on that soon. First, I'll need a chicken proof fence.

Til next time,


  1. geese eating small trees and shrubs? curious, tabitha wants geese and i don't. we had them as a kid and i didn't like them.

  2. thanks, for the info. i get an email each time someone comments on my blog. therefore i read all comments, i'm just bad about responding to them.
