Sunday, June 28, 2009

Tadpoles and Tree Frogs

We had a birthday party for the oldest last weekend. He decided to have a few friends over and camp out then the next day we had family over for a cookout. It was really nice.

The kids had fun collecting bullfrog tadpoles and swimming.

Little Tree Frog
Kevin's dad (Hi Mike!) found this little guy, actually heard him first, sitting here on this leaf.

I did not realize that geese are mountian climbers. Whatever possesed them to climb to the top of this little hill?

As you can see, they are not very good climbers.

I'm back to work after being layed off for for most of five months. If only they had called me back after canning season. The garden is coming along great- corn, tomatoes, lettuce, carrots, beets and beans are really growing good. Cucumbers, not so good, hopefully they'll come around.

Til next time,



  1. Isn't is great when kids are more interested in frogs and tadpoles than video games?

  2. Love it. Glad you're back at work. I've been laid off since November and can't find a job.

    I was directed over by Angie at Home Grown and so glad I followed.

  3. When my oldest daughter was little my stepfather would collect tadpoles and keep them in a big jar so that she could watch them grow into frogs. I loved it as much as she did. Geese are my favorites of all fowl. They are very nosy at times. LOL

  4. Интересно написано....но многое остается непонятнымb
