Thursday, December 6, 2007

My Calendar

I bought an awesome calendar from the Confessions of a Pioneer Woman's site and then I saw that Sugar Creek Farm has one for sale and now I want both! But anyway, they have inspired me to make one for my family too. I am going to use photos from around my farm. I am not going to use animal shots but just scenery. Some from each season.

This one is kinda cool. It is our pear tree in blossom. I'm not sure which one to use if even at all.

Definitely this one below for spring. I have another better one but it would not upload, blah!

I am also making a really cool movie. I was going to buy the Photoshop product but while looking through some reviews I read that Windows has one built in! Its called the Movie Maker, I guess I'm the only one who didn't know this. I made a sample and it turned out really good. I have asked my sisters to bring me in some good pictures. I think I will make a really good, long one to watch on Christmas morning, all Christmas, in chronological order. Amy, if you are reading this then sorry your surprise has been ruined. Don't tell anyone else!
Here is one of the old pictures I am using in my movie. It is of my mom, taken in July of 1946, standing in front of the Polskys Department store in downtown Akron. My mom said that this is the way everyone dressed to go shopping. When she was younger, my grandmother and she used to take a trolley from Stow, where she lived, to downtown Akron. Here is one of my dad, he looks pretty cool with that bow tie! He is 86 and I bet he wishes he still had his old car he used to drive, not the one in the photo but one like it.
I ordered a comb binding machine for my calendars. We use them at work to make manuals. When I was pricing calendars online it was really way too expensive to order them so I am going to make my own. The binding machine was only $57.00 and the combs are only about $3.75 for a hundred and they will work great for the kids schoolwork too. I am way too excited for Christmas, I better slow down and get these projects down before I go on anymore about them!

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