Wednesday, November 21, 2007

It has to be a quickie

I had to run to Cleveland after work today and pick up my brother-in-law. He and my husband are going hunting in the morning and then my sister Amy will drive down tomorrow. Then tomorrow about 4:00 we are all having our Thanksgiving at my other sister, Diane's house. As my brother-in-law and I were on the way home, I got a call from my husband and he said that he had just had some deer walk up his blind and he got one! So as soon as we got home it was off to the check-in station and then home to start butchering. Well, it is going to be a little hectic with me having to grind deer burger while trying to roast a turkey. I'm not sure if it is cold enough to let it hang for a day or two.

Here is my sister Amy, me and Kevin last summer on her new 4-wheeler. And in this next picture is her husband Tom, on the left, all ready for bow season.

And here is the one they got tonight. Most definitely better than any grocery store meat anywhere.

I am having trouble uploading the pictures that I need for the rest of my chicken story. I'll try again when things slow down a little Friday. Plus I want to figure out how to tag someone and answer the questions on my blog. It is 9:15 PM and we haven't eaten yet. I had to post this real quick so my sister in Cleveland could see the deer and I am surprising her by putting a picture of her in. She is my blog fan!


  1. It was a great surprise to see my picture. Kevin and Beth's farm is one of my favorite places to visit. Looks like you guys had a fun time last night. Wish I were there.
    See ya at Diane's

  2. Oh by the way I was not much into blogs but now she's got me hooked.
